My Latest Acquisition

I recently replaced my Jet 1014 with this beauty.  This is a 17 year old (ca. 1994-1995) Australian manufactured Woodfast MC908.  It has a 1 HP motor, 16 inch swing and a length capacity of 39 inches. It fits just perfectly in the same location (in the “Little Brown Garden Shed”) previously occupied by my mini with extension.  However, it did require  a little creative reorganization, that is still in progress, and a new storage cabinet (behind the lathe) with table top. My wife’s lathe had to be moved to our other small shop to be neighbors with my table saw, chop saw and larger workbench.  Her lathe gained the extension in the process as I was fortunate to sell my mini just the other day.


The reorganization sure opened up the turning space, giving plenty of room to swing tool handles when turning bowls. I am looking forward to many hours of stepping up my production with this sturdy lathe.  I am grateful to have made this acquisition as I have been in the market for a larger lathe, but wasn’t ready to spend the money on a Vicmarc and didn’t have an overwhelming desire to buy a Chinese lathe.  I have replaced the belt and added three sizes of Robust tool rests and of course an adapter for when I use my mini fixtures and chucks.  I can’t wait to put this baby through its paces……….


Best regards,


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