This site was created originally to post items related to the application of the technical and utilitarian aspects of woodturning. I modified the site title to better describe the reality of my interest in woodworking in general with a keen interest in woodturning. It is my hope that I can communicate the ideas and techniques that shape the way I approach turning and woodworking.
I am a part-time woodworker focused primarily on turning functional items. I prefer the concept of being an artisan or maker because it reflects my desire to make things that are useful in daily life. Design, for me, is primarily about functionality with look and feel as complementary elements that make an item fun to use and handle. I believe everyone that turns and/or works with wood has a voice in defining the respective communities and the greatest strength of these communities is their ability to share information. The success of one woodturner/woodworker is the success and future of the communities as we move forward in this ever-changing “throwaway” world. I applaud all of you out there that are members of these communities and thank you for your efforts!
Best regards,